Private class Yoga of Kashmir


Private class Yoga of Kashmir correspond to the traditional approach to teaching yoga. It is a privileged space where the needs of the student can be listened to by adapting the appropriate practice.

It is an opportunity to dive into the heart of this approach and make the links with its own perceptions of the world.
Become aware of everything that reveals itself on the carpet and is transposed in the way it interacts daily with yourself and with the Other.



Private class allow:

  • Postures worked according to the possibilities of everyone’s body
  • Individual technical adjustment
  • In-depth exploration of pranayama
  • Exchanges around the transposition of the practice in daily life
  • Any other specific requests

Private Kashmiri yoga classes can also be very supportive in specific situations:

  • Physical limitations following an accident or in connection with an illness
  • Inability to take group lesson

Private class Yoga of Kashmir allow you to energize your individual practice. They offer space to incorporate the poses differently, according to their own physiology. It’s about learning to listen to your body and follow its spontaneous movements. These sessions allow you to approach the art of breathing according to your personal practice and to deepen different breathing and more internal cleaning techniques. In addition, according to the desire of each one, the orientation of the traditional practice is presented.

Prenatal Yoga

Space that can be given to listening and feeling is particularly updated during maternity. The individual prenatal yoga sessions accompany you during your pregnancy and for the birth preparation.

  • Postures to promote the smooth running of pregnancy
  • Adapted breathing techniques
  • Postures to prepare for birth
  • An adapted practice of meditation

Kashmir yoga is particularly suitable during pregnancy. This gentle and body-listening practice promotes an intimate bond with yourself, which is extremely beneficial. The subtle body awareness favored by this tradition invites tranquility and connection with your child.

Prices and conditions

The private lesson lasts either 1H00 or 1H15 and costs 130Frs. (60 min.) and 160Frs. (75 min.).
Lessons not canceled within 48 hours (working days) are due.

Private Yoga lesson is also available online via Skype / Zoom.

Audio classes are also available. Contact me for conditions.

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